viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019

Favorite types of food

Resultado de imagen para lasagna

Resultado de imagen para chapsui
Hi again in today's blog I'm going to talk about my favorite food, well the first thing that I have to tell you is that I'm a food lover I enjoy so much eat, actually the first thing that I do when I come home everyday is eat so to me is imposible choose only one type of food so I'm going to make a list of my three favorite types of food.
- First type of food: when I eat I like to mix flavors like sweet and acid or salad and spicy also I like so much vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, etc because of  that my first choice is Chinese food like "chapsui" and "costillar cantones"
-Second type of food: My second choice is Italian food, I love pasta and if I could I would eat lasagna every day is so delicious the mixture of cheese and bolognese sauce and pasta, is my weakness actually every time that my aunt cook lasagna she call me and I go to her house to eat, she knows how much I like it
-Third type of food: My last choice is the homemade food because my mom cooks awesome and also cook many different meals so I really enjoy every meal that she cooks like vegetable soup, "carne mechada", "carbonada" and many others but my favorite one are lentils, my mom cooks them with potatoes and rice and she puts cheese on them. 
Resultado de imagen para lentejas

4 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree with you!! specially on homemade food haha I honestly think there is no a better option.

  2. I had totally forgot about the Chinese food, it's absolutely tasty and I believe each one of us have a restaurant on the corner of the street or really close at least.

  3. there's nothing like the food mom cooks

  4. I really love the Chinese food too! The combination between vegetables, rice and meat is amazing :)
